Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Reflection 1: Where I am headed...

Reflection 1 2/1/12 Due 2/19/12

For starters, the internet can be a scary place.  I struggle as a classroom teacher to teach my students how to decipher credible information from opinion on the internet.  There is so much information to sift through that I find networking overwhelming.  This Ed.D. class on Educational Technology has introduced me to tools on the internet for educational purposes.  Although blogging makes me feel very exposed, creating a blog has forced me to read other educator’s blogs and get involved.  While I am still not completely comfortable with posting my opinions for the world to read (whether it is on blogs or twitter), I am trying to get past my insecurities of putting my name and opinion out there. 

Thus far, this class has taught me to move outside of my comfort zone and try new tools that I could also have my students try. After this class finishes, I plan on starting small and incorporating at least one tool for my classes.  I would like to incorporate a wiki or edmodo full-time for one of my classes. Another thing I have learned is how to embed videos.  This is something I never knew how to do and plan to use it a lot more through my teaching lessons when I reference youtube or other videos.

I have always liked the idea of blogging and having my students blog their ideas.  I feel that this gives students an opportunity to share their ideas, and perhaps to even share ideas they weren’t given the opportunity or felt comfortable sharing in class.  I hope to create a blog for a novel and have students post their reactions to the text and then be able to comment on their classmate’s statements.  In addition, I would like students to find outside blogs, videos, podcasts, and such to also post to enrich everyone’s learning. 

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